Welcome to the Mathletics Student Centre!
Goulburn North is committed to providing quality learning programs for the education of your child. Mathletics is a web-based learning program which integrates home and school learning via the internet. Mathletics is syllabus based from Kindergarten to Year 6 and reinforces skills that are taught in the classroom.
Support your child in developing positive attitudes towards mathematics! Each student at Goulburn North is enrolled in Mathletics and has access 24 hours a day every day of the year.
With live Mathletics, Cirriculum Activities, Problem Solving Games, access to Rain Forest Maths and much more is available in the Student Centre and you have everything you need to help improve your child's Maths skills.
Getting Started
You will find the Mathletics home page at http://www.mathletics.com.au
Each student at Goulburn North Public School has a unique user name and password, which has been given to them on a student card. If you require help in locating usernames/passwords, or just need to discuss your childs needs, please contact the school and make an appointment with your childs teacher.